
Readcube is shite

Below is a quote from an edited email I got from an academic journal.

Dear Author,
We are pleased to inform you that your article "[redacted]" has been published online. [...] As part of the Corporation Buzzword initiative, a stable, shortened URL is now available for you to share full-text access to your paper by using the following link:
The link has additional benefits over uploading or emailing a static PDF of your article. As readers will be directed to your article on the journal website, all of the views of your article will be captured on your article metrics page on the journal website, enabling a fuller picture of the impact and reach of your research. Readers of your article via the shared link will also be able to use Enhanced PDF features such as annotation tools, one-click supplements, citation file exports and article metrics.

Dennis from It's always sunny in philadeplhia: I have contained my rage for as long as possible

#publishing #science