
Attentional Control Scale (short form)

Please rate each of the following on a scale from 1 (almost never) to 4 (always):

  1. When I am working hard on something, I still get distracted by events around me. [R]
  2. When trying to focus my attention on something, I have difficulty blocking out distracting thoughts. [R]
  3. I have a hard time concentrating when I’m excited about something. [R]
  4. I can quickly switch from one task to another.
  5. It takes me a while to get really involved in a new task. [R]
  6. It is difficult for me to coordinate my attention between the listening and writing required when taking notes during lectures. [R]
  7. I can become interested in a new topic very quickly when I need to.
  8. I have a hard time coming up with new ideas quickly. [R]
  9. After being interrupted or distracted, I can easily shift my attention back to what I was doing before.
  10. It is easy for me to alternate between two different tasks.

Take the sum of your scores (negate the score of the [R]eversed items), and greater scores are supposed to indicate better abilities to control your attention-related processes.

Source: Derryberry and Reed (2002)

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